Monday, March 30, 2009

Our Family!

I've finally had some free time to create our family blog. I'll try do update at least once a week! Before going any further, a few introductions...

First, there's Jennifer (that's me, folks!). Jennifer a.k.a "Mom". I am a graduate student working towards not one, but two master's degrees. I am just about finished with my master's in human services and will then continue for my master's in clinical counseling. I am fortunate enough to be able to stay at home with the kids other than when I am at class. That will change soon as I am getting ready to start a 500 hour internship to finish up my first master's. I have a bachelor's degree in criminal justice from Buena Vista University! When I'm not bogged down with school, you can find me enjoying time with my family.

Second, there's Christopher! Christopher and Jennifer have been together since 2006. Christopher is employed at a local casino. He is originally from Denver, CO and as you can imagine is a die-hard Bronco fan. He is also pretty passionate about his baseball (Red Sox & Rockies) and college basketball (Tarheels). He enjoys simple things in life such as good food, good music, and good friends. He also enjoys a good game of golf.

Next is our oldest child, Isaiah! Isaiah turned seven years old this past January. He is a handsome little 1st grader. He's a pretty tough and fearless child, as well. He's been wrestling for two years now and is quite good. He also enjoys tossing the football with Christopher, playing basketball with his best friends Zach and Dillion, and he loves his PS2 and Xbox. But, most of all, he adores his little brother and sister. If he had it is his way he would have about four more little sisters!

Then, there's Malakai (Kai)! Kai is four years old and takes after his big brother quite a bit. He attends pre-k half of the day and the other half he gets to hang out with mom at home. He loves to help clean. As long as Kai is around nobody else has to vacuum! He can fold a towel like a seasoned pro! He loves to help cook and over all is an awesome helper and loving son. He has always been very affectionate and is definitely a "momma's boy". He wrestles for the same team as his brother.

Finally, there's the one and only Sadie! Sadie is nine months old and simply adored by everyone in the house. She especially loves playing with her big brother Isaiah! Nobody can get Sadie to laugh and giggle like Isaiah can! Sadie loves to eat, crawl, play peek-a-boo, and visit her favorite store, Babies R Us! Sadie is starting to pull herself up into a standing position and cruise the furniture. She's also said something that resembles the word "momma" a few times! Her latest skill is clapping her hands and throwing them in the air while saying "yay!"

We have many other people in our lives who are part of our families, too! Christopher's family lives in Woodbine (about 45 minutes away from us) and Jennifer's family lives in the metro area.